کۆتکردنی چاڵاکی گیرەک لە داڕشتنی وشەی زمانی کوردیدا


  • سروە جەعفەر محەمەدئەمین قوتابخانەی ڕاسانی کوڕان
  • عەبدوڵلا عه‌زیز بابان بەشی كوردی ـ كۆلیژی زمان ـ زانكۆی دهۆك




Affix, blocking, active, sluggish, words and terms


This study is within the framework of lexicology, which explains the action of constraint, which is the non-return of one form due to the presence of another form, and discusses how to prevent the formation of words and terms in terms, which describes the steps of this negative effect, and the difference between the strength of the grip and the weakness of the grip in constraint. This paper consists of two parts

The first part includes the concept and definition of constraints in word formation, the causes of constraints, the negative effects of constraints on word production, and the differences between the strengths and weaknesses of constraints in constraints.

The second part contains some suggestions for the treatment and structure of Kurdish vocabulary.

