المعوقات التي تواجه الصحفيين أثناء التغطية الإخبارية في البرلمان

صحفيو تغطية جلسات برلمان كوردستان أنموذجاً


  • طارق جوهر عولا
  • ابتسام اسماعيل قادر زانكوى سليماني




المعوقات، الصحفيين، التغطية الإخبارية، البرلمان


Obstacles facing journalists during news coverage in Parliament

Journalists covering the sessions of the Kurdistan Parliament as an example

Dr. Ibtisam Ismail Kader                                    Tariq Jawhar Awla

College of Humanities - University of Sulaimani


    This study aims to identify the most significant obstacles that journalists face while covering the sessions of Kurdistan Parliament-Iraq, as well as to learn how the Directorate of Media in the Parliament contributes to and collaborates with journalists in covering the sessions of the Kurdistan Parliament-Iraq. The researcher used a survey as one of the descriptive study's methods for data collection and analysis. In terms of research tools, the researcher used a questionnaire to collect data, as well as an analytical description of the communication means and methods of the most significant obstacles to journalists' work and the facilities provided by the Directorate of Media in the Parliament. The study produced a number of findings, the most important of which are:

  • The majority of journalists confirmed that they face difficulties covering parliament sessions due to the suspension of live broadcasts during verbal altercations between parliamentarians. Journalists are not permitted to cover parliamentary committee activities or meetings, and they are not permitted to enter the parliament session hall when the sessions are closed and confidential.
  • It was found that the majority of journalists spend more than seven hours per day covering news from parliament sessions.
  • It was found that (82.35%) of the journalists, who are working for satellite channels, have experience in the field of news coverage of parliament sessions for a number of years ranging from (5 to 11) years.

The provision of direct broadcasting of parliament sessions in the press center is at the forefront of the facilities and cooperation provided to journalists and satellite channels by the Parliament's Directorate of Media

