پێشگريمانه‌ له‌ڕيكلامى بازرگانيدا- شێوازى گاڵته‌جارى به‌نموونه‌


  • شوكر محەمەد ساڵح بەشی زمانی كوردی، كۆلێژی پەروەردەی بنەڕەتی، زانكۆی سەڵاحەددین - هەولێر
  • ئاسۆس ئەنوەر سلێمان به‌شی كارگێڕی ده‌زگاكانی گه‌شتیاری، په‌یمانگه‌ی ته‌كنیكی كارگێڕی، زانكۆی پۆلیته‌كنیكی هه‌ولێر




include: language, assumptions, commercial advertising ,humo persuasion.



        This study which is entitled (Assumptions in Commercial Advertising - Humorous Style for Example) discusses the role of language in the preparation of television commercials. The language of commercial advertising should be attractive, short and simple to convince the people to buy the product. Therefore, the role of assumptions is discussed, how important it is for the preparation of advertising. The advertiser must have a good advertising skill of the other person's mind through assumptions to know his preferences and needs. Accordingly, the humorous style has been worked on, because in advertising it is important to influence the audience and change the direction of their thoughts, in order for them to enjoy it, and then be satisfied. This study consists of two parts, several results and a list of sources as follows:

        The first part deals with (assumptions in advertising), introducing assumptions and advertising, then advertising and its effects, advertising objectives, factors of effectiveness and persuasion in commercial advertising, methods of designing commercial advertising.

       The second part discusses the role of language in advertising in general and humorous advertising in particular, the role of language in commercial advertising, the linguistic principles of advertising, persuasion and persuasion steps, principles of persuasion in commercial advertising, humorous styles of advertising In business, humorous advertising presentations.

Keywords include: language, assumptions, commercial advertising ,humo persuasion.


