واکاوی اندیشه‌های زاهدانه در مثنوی مم و زین


  • جیهاد شکری رشید دانشیار گروە زبان و ابیات فارسی - دانشگاە صلاح الدین - اربیل




Mam u Zin’s Mathnawi, Asceticism, An analytical study


  Asceticism is one of the important topics in the humanitarian folklore and especially in the literary and Islamic ideology. The origin of Khani’s Asceticism returns back to his gnostic doctrine. An accurate discussion of Khani’s mystic and ascetic behavior towards life clears all the vagueness of his personality, his ascetic behavior is not the only reason that made life valueless in his viewpoint but there are a lot of other scientific and religious reasons behind it, which will be discussed in a specific way in this research. Khani in expressing the ascetic connotation of his words he framed himself as well with it. The isolation of oneself and the abandon of people is one of the important elements of asceticism and this is shown in Mam’s speeches. The isolation of Mam was a reason for his mastership above the others. This research paper that prepared by using the descriptive- analytical method tries to answer the essential question that is ;what was the degree of  the similarity or difference in the ascetic core of Mam u Zin’s Mathnawi? In this way the internal ascetic psychology of the poet will be evaluated in his great Mathnawi Mam u Zin. From this point of view the researcher believes that Khani’s work to a degree is an ascetic text, so he tries to analyze the ascetic core of Mam u  Zin’s Mathnawi.

