The issue of justice in the newspaper "Kurdistan" April 21 1898


  • مەغدید خدر ئەحمەد سەپان بەشی ڕاگەیاندن، كۆلێژی ئاداب، زانكۆی سەڵاحەددین - هەولێر



Newspaper, Kurdistan Newspaper, Adalat, Miqdad Madhat Badrkhan, Abdulrahman Badrkhan Beg


The publication of the first Kurdish newspaper, "Kurdistan" on April 21, 1898, in Cairo, opened a great and necessary door for the Kurdish people to continue their legitimate struggle and prepare them for peaceful struggle towards independence.

The publication of the first Kurdish newspaper by a Kurdish emir made this struggle easier because the reader received their messages and advice from their leader. In the first Kurdish newspaper, all the articles were written for the first time in the history of Kurdish journalism. In fact, there was no recipe for Miqdad Madhat Badrkhan and his brother Abdulrahman Beg to follow. Kurds understood that the sons of Madhat Beg in Egypt and Europe published a newspaper with a very rich and satisfying content, that every Kurd alive could be proud of.

Reading all the issues, you can see that the newspaper "Kurdistan" is at the door of all the subjects that are very important for Kurdish society not only then, but still very important and have not lost their relevance, including: history, politics, literature, social, international relations, Justice, education, etc. The sons of Bardkhan Beg were able to establish a very good, beautiful and solid foundation for Kurdish journalism. For the first time, a research on the topic of justice in the newspaper, which was previously a hidden side which Kurdish researchers did not write about, was presented in the pages of the "Kurdistan" newspaper.

The neglect of this important aspect created a huge gap in Kurdish journalism and the history and experiences of the past could not be used properly to learn from. In this study entitled: Justice in the Newspaper ’Kurdistan’, follows a detailed discussion of justice in Kurdish society of that time. Additionally, an analysis is carried out to gauge the frequency of the term "justice" and explore the underlying purpose behind its usage. The meaning and origin of justice in ancient Greek history and civilization was also briefly discussed.

