A geographical analysis of water resource uses in Roste Watershed


  • محمد حمە صالح فارس قسم الجغرافيا - كلية الاداب - جامعة صلاح الدين
  • ئوميد حمه باقى حمه امين قسم الجغرافيا - كلية التربية للعلوم الإنسانية - جامعة السلمانية




Watershed, Discharge, Water uses, Water meter, Water balance, Water surplus


The study area is located in Erbil Governorate, specifically in the north-east of the governorate of Erbil, between two latitudes (°36:36'50" - °36:45'10") North and both longitudes (°44:38'30" -°44:50'33") East. The area of ​​the basin is (163.7) km2. Administratively, the basin is located in the Similan sub-district of Choman district in Erbil governorate. This study aims to make a balance between the available and consumed water to determine the amount of the water surplus or deficit in the region. Whether it is surface water such as a river or groundwater such as wells and springs, to know the amount of water available in the study area, Then the types of uses of water resources represented in domestic, agricultural, and animal use were searched, then analyzed and the amount of water required for each of them was determined according to scientific standards. Finally, the research ended with conducting a water balancing process between the amount of available water (67911900) million m 3/year and the amount of consumed water(36451652,75) million m3/year. It turns out that the amount of available water exceeds the amount of water consumed. Fortunately, there is a large surplus in the amount of water, where the surplus amounted to (31460247.25) million m3/year.

