بنەما فەلسەفی و زانستییەكانی ڕاڤەكردنی وشە لە دەقە ئەدەبییەكاندا

كتێبی زمان و ئەدەبی كورد پۆلی دەیەم بە نموونە


  • ئەحمەد محەمەد مام عوسمان قەرەنی ڕاوێژكاری پەروەردەیی خانەشین




وشە، ڕاڤەكردن، واتای ناوەندی، زمانی ئەدەبی، سیاق


In defining vocabulary in literary texts, there are linguistic and cognitive contradictions. To explain this mismatch, the tenth grade Kurdish language and literature textbook has been used as an example, in which scientific and philosophical principles are ignored, the meaning of vocabulary is defined by giving dictionary meaning which don’t fit the concept. This research is made into two parts:

Part one involves theory, vocabulary is explained according philosophy of rhetoric and their meaning according to their literary contexts, they are also compared to linguistic theories, the role of the word in sentence composition has been analyzed.

   In part two, the conclusions of the first part has been applied to four texts of the mentioned textbook, their mistakes highlighted and corrected according the role of the words in cognition and linguistic contexts. At the end the most significant conclusions are presented.


