هزر له‌ چیڕۆكه‌كانى (حه‌سه‌ن جاف) دا كۆمه‌ڵه‌ چیڕۆكى (دیجله‌ى تاوان) به‌نموونه‌


  • تەڵعەت محەمەد عەزیز بەشی زمانی كوردی - كۆلێژی پەروەردە - ئاكرێ - زانكۆی دهۆك
  • سەلیم ڕەشید ساڵح بەشی زمانی كوردی - كۆلێژی پەروەردە - زانكۆی سەڵاحەددین




هزر، چیڕۆک، حەسەن جاف، دیجلەی تاوان


This paper is titled (theme in stories written by Hassan Jaff, the collection of stories titled The Tigris of Crime (Dijlai Tawan) as a case study). Theme, as an important part in the components of a text, has an important and serious role in creating any text. Here, I tried to analyze theme of the stories applying analytical method and write down the most important types of these themes which are reflected in his stories and become a core material for his stories.

This paper consists of two parts. The first part consists of (theme as a theoretical point of view, theme as a term, theme in different texts, theme in Kurdish stories). In the second part, to better introduce theme in Kurdish stories, I select the collection stories of The Tigris Crime (Dijlai Tawan) by Hassan Jaff as a case study. This part is dedicated to discuss (theme for Hassan Jaff, thematically analyzation of stories of Hassan Jaff, political them, patriotic theme, mythical theme, symbolic theme).

I come conclusion that the writer being successful in dealing with various types of themes and that political theme has occupied vast area in wors. 


