گەڕەكەكانی شاری هەولێر لە سەرژمێرییە فەرمییەكانی رۆژگاری پاشایەتیدا (1947-1958)


  • دڵشاد مەحموود عەبدولڕەحمان بەشی مێژوو - كۆلێژی ئاداب - زانكۆی سەڵاحەددین




This study highlights the developments witnessed by Erbil City Quarters in formal Iraqi statistics; the city, like other cities, had been making a slow progress during the last century of the Ottoman rule. Yet, it was influenced by the consequences of the First World War on the world in general and the region in particular.

Thus, the present study tackles the historical development of the city's neighborhoods in all their tow areas; the citadel, and citadel's immediate surroundings. Hence, it analyzes the city's official statistical data in different walks of life, the population and its distribution in the neighborhoods, the number of state and private institution therein, and the prevalent architectural modes. Depending on reliable sources, the study also explores the relation between the city's inhabitants, their lifestyles, values, and tradition, which shaped their lives during the aforementioned historical stage.


