سەدیق دەمەلووجی ژیاننامە و رێبازا وی د نڤێسینا مێژوویێدا (1880-1958)


  • بەردل عەبدولفەتاح عەلی بەشی مێژوو/ فاكەڵتی زانستە مرۆڤایەتییەكان، زانكۆی زاخۆ
  • شێرزاد زەكەریا محەمەد بەشی مێژوو/ كۆلیژی پەروەردە، زانكۆی زاخۆ




Siddiq Al-Damluji, Kurd,Yazidi, Ottoman, Bahdinan


    Siddiq Al – Damluji is a well-known writer, intellectual and administrative personality in contemporary Iraq. Al-Damluji’s books and articles provided a great service to the history of Iraq in general and the history of the Kurds and Kurdistan in particular. The importance of his writings is due to the fact that he was a witness to the historical events he wrote about, but it seems that his writings about the Kurds did not satisfy the hardline Arab nationalists.  Al-Damluji and his writings remained far from research, this was one of the reasons to write this research about him and his method of writing history.

  This research is an attempt to shed light on Siddiq Ai-Damluji’s life as an administrator, historian, a journalist, and his attitudes towards the Ottoman state and the British Occupation of Iraq. This research relied on Al-Damluji’s main historical writings with a reference to its importance, and the main ideas and analyses it contained.

