Language varieties in Farhad Pirbal’s novel ‘My Father’s Tales’


  • عومەر ئەحمەد عەبدولڕەحمان بەشی زمانی كوردی ، كۆلێژی پەروەردە، زانكۆی سەڵاحەددین - هەولێر



Language Varieties, Sociolinguistics, Exemplary society, Speech Style


Language varieties in Farhad Pirbal’s novel ‘My Father’s Tales’




This research, which shows the phenomenon of language varieties in society, belongs to sociolinguistics. The phenomenon exists in all languages all over the world.  this is because any society consists of some social classes. the components includes both genders, different ages, educated and uneducated, et.. It is obvious that each individual has his/her own particular language. their language is distinguished by specific terms. The study has chosen an exemplary sample, which is ‘My Father’s Tales’. the researcher intends to know whether the story has befitted from the varieties or not.  The study aims to find out if women speak like women, farmers like farmers, and so on. another objective of the study is to know if the social and cultural difference have any impact on their languages. The study comprises two parts: the first part is theoretical and the second part is practical.


