Occasions of the Erbil plain – work occasions and folklore texts as examples


  • مەولود ئیبراهیم حەسەن كۆلێژی زمان، بەشی كوردی، زانكۆی سەلاحەددین
  • مەسعود عەبدوڵلا مستەفا كۆلێژی زمان، بەشی كوردی ، زانكۆی سەلاحەددین




Erbil plain – occasions – to work - folklore


This thesis, titled "Occasions in Erbil Plain - Work Occasions as an Example", is an attempt to introduce the occasions and their cognitive impacts on Erbil Plain.

It is common for nations all over the world to celebrate their own events, and Kurdish people are no different. In this article the researcher is focusing on the events of Erbil Plain. And this is taken from work occasions such as harvesting, wheat-dust cleaning, weighing wheat, crushing wheat to couscous, milk churning, and spinning the wool into thread.

The occasions may be annual, seasonal, international, or they may be personal or public, such as when a couple gets married, a baby is born, or someone passes away.

Whether joyous or sorrowful, all occasions in Kurdistan have and provide a traditional Kurdish flavour and meaning.

It is obvious that the simple and effortful life in the Erbil plain has enriched the folklore of the area with several specific and general occasions.

The current study is consisted of the following sections; abstract, introduction, two sections, study results and reference list. The first section is theoretical which is specific to defining and conceptualizing the language, culture and types of these occasions. In the second section, which is empirical, the most important events in Erbil plain are illustrated.

The work occasions in Erbil Plain have led to creating a special way of thinking and understanding specific to Erbil Plain. Poetry has a major role in the literature of such occasions in Erbil Plain. As a result, this literature has become a means to preserve the Erbil Plain dialect through the phases of development of people as a unique lingual dictionary. Literature and culture have enabled this dialect to survive until the present day, and without them this dialect would have been an obsolete dialect.

