Theatre and Theatrical Poetry in Teaching). Shuan Ahmad's theatrical poems

theatrical poetry, theatre, children, teaching


  • هێرۆ عەبدولڕەحمان مستەفا به‌شی خاك و ئاو، كۆلیژی زانسته‌ ئه‌ندازیارییه‌ كشتوكاڵییه‌كان، زانكۆی سەڵاحەددین - هەولێر
  • omar Omer Salih بەشی زمانی كوردی، كۆلێژی پەروەردەی بنەڕەت، زانكۆی ڕاپەڕین



شیعری شانۆیی، شانۆ، منداڵ، فێركردن


This research is entitled (Theatre and Theatrical Poetry in Teaching). Shuan Ahmad's theatrical poems are taken as an example. It is an attempt to expose theater and theatrical poetry, we have tried to elaborate their effects in terms of education and teaching on children, which are one of the most important factors of children's education in kindergarten and basic school and it is a factor for the development of the personality of the individual in general and the child in particular. This research embraces two parts apart from introduction and conclusion. The first part consists of two sections, in which we have talked about the introduction of theatrical poetry and its components, the importance of educational theater and its effects on children, as well as the conditions of writing Theatrical Poetry. The second part consists of two sections. These sections have shed light on the introduction of theater, the goals of children's theater and the conditions of writing children's theater in addition to presenting the practice of Shuan Ahmad's theatrical poems “Environment” and “Jungle Hero”. Their effects on children in terms of education and teaching were mentioned.

Key words: theatrical poetry, theatre, children, teaching

Author Biography

omar Omer Salih, بەشی زمانی كوردی، كۆلێژی پەروەردەی بنەڕەت، زانكۆی ڕاپەڕین

م.ی عومەر محەمەد صالح

      ماستەر لە ئەدەبی كوردی

      بەشی زمانی كوردی                          

         كولێژی پەروەردەی بنەڕەت- زانكۆی ڕاپەڕین

