هونەری گێڕانەوە لە ڕۆمانی (خۆڵەمێشی تەرمی کتێبێک)دا


  • نەجم خالد نه‌جمەددين ئەڵوەنی بەشی زمانی کوردی، کۆلێژی زمان، زانكۆی سەڵاحەددین - هەولێر




narration, character, dialog, intertextuality, description


This novel is the first attempt of the fiction writer (Muhammad saeed zangana) in the field of novel writing and published in the year (2021). in it٫ the writer deals with the social٫ political and cultural life of the city of kirkuk. and throug it, he tries to provide a realistic picture of lif in this city. The presents the kurdish issue in kirkuk and deals with plitical factors that prerented it from joining the current political geography of the kurdistan Region, especially after years of the repressive Baathist regime’s fall. He also links between thes factors and the failure of establish an independent kurdish state, despite the the huge sacrifices made by the kurdish people to obtain their right to independence, like most of the world's peoples.

This study consists of four axes, dealing with artistic constrution of the imagined characters and their difference from the real ones, including the personality of the writer who plays in this text two roles: a narrative character bearing the name and heart of the author as is known in literary circles, especially fictional ones, and the role of the author who is entrusted with the task of writing.  This novel is written by some of his real friends who play with him within this novel the role of similar story characters.

The study dealt with the structure of the dialogic language of the characters participating in the narrative text, the process of intertextuality and the interaction between this novel and texts of sayings by wellـknown writers, artists and sages in literary, artistic and international circles suchas George Bernard Shaw, Beethoven, Confucius and others... The description had its share in this study and the researcher dealt with the descriptive image of the characters and the possible places in which the facts of this novel occurred.

In conclusion, the researcher pointed out the most important findings of the research and the main sources that he relied on in writing this study.

