بنياتى هزرى له‌ شیعره‌كانی (نه‌جات ئه‌سپینداره‌یی)دا


  • ئاره‌زوو ئەزوەر كەریم قوتابی ماسته‌ر له‌ زمانی كوردی، زانكۆی سەڵاحەددین - هەولێڕ
  • مه‌ولود ئیبراهیم حه‌سه‌ن به‌شی زمانی كوردی، كۆلێژی زمان، زانكۆی سەڵاحەددین - هەولێر




Aspindarei, thought, social, religious, nation


 The intellectual and Artistic basis of (Najat Aspindarei's Poems) is the title of the current study. It is obvious that every literary text, whether poetic or prose is based on a thought. And this thought is present semantically in the mind of its owner. Then he looks for words, expressions, forms and other literary genres to create a literary text. Then other genres come to convey this thought wonderfully.                     

Najat Aspindei is a poet who has been setting all his poems on some strong thoughts. If we look closely at the structure of all his texts, we can see that the text which has a strong mind makes the most powerful impact if it is presented with linguistically glorious reasons and in a strong form like the idea. Conversely, if a poetic text is not written in a high level of poetic form, it won't give its result. Our study is under the above mentioned title and we discuss (Najat Aspindarei's) poems.

