اتجاهات الخطاب المقالي في الإعلام الدولي الكوردي


  • هاوژين عمر محمد كلية الآداب- قسم الإعلام جامعة صلاح الدين-أربيل




الخطاب المقالي، الإعلام الدولي الكوردي، البنى الكبرى، البنية العميقة، تطويع اللغة، غايات إيديولوجية، الموقع الإلكتروني لفضائية زاكروس، المقالات السياسية


The trend has a direct connection with human activities, and several fields of scientific studies, especially linguistic, media, political and social studies. The subject of the trend in the media and literary works is clearly manifested in novels, poems, news and articles, especially the press article, which is usually divided into a group of trends, through which researchers are able to monitor the trends and interests of media institutions on the one hand, and their influence on the recipient and his change of behavior, In the direction of changing or modifying old trends on the other hand, in order to serve the ideological references of writers, and the media policy of media institutions.The research addressed this issue by describing and analyzing the scientific phenomenon, using the discourse analysis method, for a sample of (47) political articles, which were published on the website of the Zagros satellite channel, in the last six months of 2019.It was found that the trends of the articles on the mentioned site were distributed among the Kurdish, Iraqi, and international trends, and each direction included a set of topics that in turn contained several ideas, noting that priority was given to the Kurdish trend over the other two directions.
It was also found that the site has a specific methodology in selecting and publishing articles, and that the contents and ideas of the speeches are consistent with the political vision of the Kurdistan Regional Government and some influential leaders. The book employed several methods that amounted to adapting the language used for ideological purposes linked to political references, and knowledge and intellectual backgrounds compatible with the interests of the communicator in the Zagros Media Foundation.

