Kurdish Language in Iraqi Kurdistan under Constant Threat of Marginalization and Declination


  • Muhammad Qadir Saeed English Department- College of Education – Salahaddin University




The study on which this article is based demonstrates the critical situation of Kurdish language in Iraqi Kurdistan Region and warns the officials and the Kurdish academics of the threat of English which is one of the main factors of Kurdish language decline and marginalization in Iraqi Kurdistan where the process of resisting language shift is not as required. One of the major questions this study tries to answer could revolve around the role of English in putting aside the Kurdish language in Iraqi Kurdistan where private schools use English as the first language for their Kurdish students. Likewise, this paper tries to focus on other factors that result into the marginalization of Kurdish language in Iraqi Kurdistan and it aims at searching for the symptoms of language marginalization and declination? What should be done to resist the decline produced in language is one of the essential objectives beyond writing this research. Meanwhile, it tries to know the role of language policy (if there is any) towards Kurdish language? Since Kurdish language is under constant threat of marginalization and declination, any attempt to protect and revitalize it would contribute to revive the Kurdish language for future generation. Depending on a descriptive method, this study arrives at the fact that what has been done till now in terms of the threat of English and its domination which gradually marginalizes Kurdish language is not as required and it explores the ways to be taken to resist such a language threat.


