ڕۆڵی خستنەسەر لە زاراوەسازیدا


  • میدیا مراد محه‌مه‌دئه‌مین بەشی كوردی - كۆلێژی زمان - زانكۆی سەڵاحەددین




Terminology, Term, Addition, Noun phrase, Compound word


The paper which is entitled ”The role of addition in terminology” focuses on terminology and the role addition plays in forming terms in Kurdish. Addition is a means of forming noun phrase and this is useful in terminology as terms themselves are nouns.

The terms that are used in this way are dealt with as words or compound noun in their use and in dictionaries, but they differ in their structure, which is obvious in their field and method.

The methodology of the research is an analytic description of middle Kurdish dialect. The examples are takes from books, dictionaries, and also from terminological dictionaries related to this dialect.

The research is made of two parts besides the introduction and conclusion:

The first aspect is “Terminology” takes terms, definitions, processes of borrowing terms and the ways of forming terms.

The second aspect is entitled” The role of addition in terminology” this part focuses on the concept and definitions of the phrase addition similarities and differences between phrases and compound words, noun phrase addition and the term of addition, this part  focuses on the role of addition in terminology.

Finally, the conclusions arrived at are summarized in several points.

